All was well in Christchurch and all seemed well half way through the flight. Then a little voice behind me said “Gabby’s foot has puffed up” – so a I dutifully put my hand behind my seat and massaged the top of the foot . . . it was not until we got to Sydney that we saw the extent of the puffing up. FW / CMD on the case and to cut this story short the tour minus Gabby and Shozz went on the 18.45 to Bankok. Gabb’s and I were optimistic of catching up with the tour in Dubai as there was a 9.10 flight that would ‘cut the corner’ and go direct to Dubai . . all we had to do was get to the St.Georges Hospital and back in under 90 minutes . . Taxi ride fast . . ANE with triage nurses NOT so fast . . like any ANE in the world I suppose . . got eventually seen to by a Senior Triage nurse A who immediately put the calppers on any ‘quick fix’ quoting 48 hours !! Tears just flowed from then on and when we left the nurse to go and WAIT again we had a good hug and a cry. Eventually we were told a plan ( Plan A ) . . intravenous drip for 48 hours and let the infected blister calm down . . things not looking up . . Plan A was confirmed by Doctor B but to give her her due she said she’d consult a ‘consultant’ – that’s obvious . . . anyway consultant doctor C when he arrived was the doctor of our dreams – our so we hope . . maybe I should stop this blog and wait ‘til its all over ? . . . he suggested to much tears of joy that Gabby stay in for the night ( we’d already accepted that . . ) and start the intravenous anti-biotics straight away as well as having the blister lanced as it was doing no good at all. Then after several doses of A/Bioitics Gabb’s would then take oral A/B’ on the flight home to resume the course of A/B at home . . this was the news we wanted to hear. We then booked in thanks to Teresa to the same flights as the tour but only 24 hours later . . Bankok – oriental city – and Dubai . . Oh this was good news . .
Young man with white gloves took us up to children’s ward – Gabby settled in and I slept on a bed next door. It was midnight by then. Good sleep til 4 am then fitful and interruptions from mobile with news from Tour party – leaving Dubai and news from home - - top up of my mobile……couldn’t get back to sleep . . worried about what the doctors will say in the morning ;- fingers crossed.
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