Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday 26th - A day of mixed emotions . . .

The day started well enough with us sharing a welcome with the rugby team from Cooper’s Coburn from Essex and would you belive it JMS coming off seconds best in his thanks giving speech. The shock that reverberated around the hall when the Tour manager of the other school said some well prepared words and then sang alone a song was as audible as the relief amongst our girls when JMS said he was not going to sing !! Oh if only I could have done a ‘Danny boy – the lights are . . ‘ So speech over then the coaches and captains had to shake the hands and noses with the Senior Teachers. Rugby players left and the RGS girls witnessed a school assesmly run by the two school captains !!! The head teacher and others were to the side. Notices and awards given by the captains and then a raffle chosen by the RGS girls for those who had received commendations last week – the winner to get a free lunch !

Girls then watched the rugby with their hosts – half time we trooped into Nelson for some R & R – JMS visited the same shoe shop he did 6 years ago but did not buy some trainers. Girls bought some lunch. Returned to Garrin to take up positions in the balcony, ready for the appearance of the whole school. The Spitfires warmed up nicely and included Becci Jane and Ella. Final rallying call was a video by JMS and then into the action. First thing to notice was the size of the opposition – yet again they looked like 18 + year olds . . still we can only play what is in front of us. A nip and tuck start saw us hold our own in the early stages and with Fran and Elle doing well up front we were happy to be down and the first break. At the end of the second break however whilst JMS gave the pick me up pep talk of his life, FW was ‘seeking clarification on the ruling of obstruction as seen from a Southern Hemisphere perspective’ – in other words she was not happy !! The girls to be fair clung in far longer than expected and were finishing each quarter breathing hard and looking more and more angry. They were having a rough time and we told to give as good as they get but still play netball with the speed and tenacity of a cougar. Speed of thought was one aspect that was noticed by the coaches as a place to improve upon. We delayed the penalty pass too long and the opportunity was lost to fire in a bullet pass to GS / GA whi would then score. If we had converted all of our chances then scores would have been closer and like Wanganui – which seems an age ago – we would have liked to see the opposition react under pressure. So in the end we trudged off defeated but again as JMS referred to in his closing ( and worst yet ) speech we finished with a smile – win draw or lose we are RESOLUTE / GRACEFUL / SEFLLESS.

What was great was to see Jane Shaw who in the end was not used encouraging the team from the bench . . . with words like “You only got 10 minutes to turn this round – you can do it . . play till you drop . . and we want nothing left in the tank.”

After the post match ceremonies we trooped back to the bus and made our way slowly to Blenheim and then to Kai-Koura - and the long long winding road took its toll on the girls as all went silent and some felt yukk . . . but we still made it to seal corner just in time to witness the seals on the rocks before it got too dark.

Seals spotted we then zoooomed off with Paul the driver – different character to STEEEEVE – to Kai-Koura and supper at the Aromas café. Delightful meal of hot soup / fish & chips or pasta or lamb / ice cream sundae or banana split. Then on to our motel with the most amazing views . . . yes I know it was dark but when the full moon shone red / orange and the stars were out and the snow on the mountains reflected orange you felt like you were in paradise . . .

So with only three days to go and the tour begins to close down a phrase has emerged through the excitement of all, through the tribulations of all, through the spirit shown by the girls and that phrase is “ NO REGRETS “ . . . we the RGS Netball tour of 2010 intend to leave this beautiful country with no regrets.

Shozza out

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